Easter Holiday Update


Posted on 20/03/2020 by Read Chimoguri

Hello Everyone,

Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Updates

Due to the current situation, we have elected to either change or cancel all events planned for both the holiday and term 3. This is to ensure that we comply with regulations and policies put forward by both the government and the university.

This will mean that Karaoke, LN/Manga socials, or any other events which require face-to-face interactions, will have to be cancelled until further notice.

However, we still plan on running events such as Tuesday showings, movie nights and all-nighters as best as we possibly can. We plan to do this by streaming showings, meaning events can continue without fear of spreading the Coronavirus.

For now, we are trialling a website called Kast. We have also produced a guide on how to set up an account for this service.

Holiday Test Event

We will be having an event on Monday 23rd, 19:00 where we will be streaming 2 films on Kast as a test of the platform.

The films will be, in this order:

It would be great if you could join us and give us any feedback possible, as this is the first time we have run an event like this, and we’d like to ensure that things run as smoothly as possible by the start of term 3.

We do not currently have any other plans for the holiday; however, you can look forward to an early version of our timetable for term 3 to be distributed soon. It may be subject to change, but we hope to be at least as accurate as last year’s first exam timetable ;).

Whilst this is far from ideal, we think that is the best way that the society can still function in some capacity whilst ensuring that we all remain safe during this period. If you have any suggestions, please let any member of the exec know.