29/04/2020 Exec Meeting Minutes


Posted on 04/05/2020 by Read Chimoguri


Chi: This should only be a shortish meeting (less than 30 mins)

Chi: please also read what was put on exec chat on Monday

Chi: I also contacted hoodie order, but haven’t got a response back yet as to whether they are still operating with the lockdown

Chi: I managed to contact Karl, he has been busy but he will get exec choice in before his week

Chi: I will relay what he picks to the relevant people

Chi: next main thing is cooldown rules

Chi: we are changing failed main series cooldown from 2 years to 1 years

Tomas: does that mean an academic year or 365 days

Lloyd: it is essentially the same because we cannot show things interchangeably from term 1 to term 2 because of the restriction on series lengths

Tomas: also is this for main series again or as an exec choice

Trev: this would be for exec choice

Clarification of CD rules ensues

Chi: Next can we talk about the quality of showings…

Trev: yeah sorry we had audio issues yesterday, but I want to be able to fix that before next week

Tomas: I think there is an issue that when you have more and more people they start to limit bitrate, but we cannot do anything about that

Alex: It might be to do with peak times, but either way we cannot fix that, it’s just a problem with discord

Caius: I think there are still some small issues with audio

Tomas: I think that is just a bitrate thing

Trev: all we can do is just fix it for next week as best as possible

Chi: should we add another voice chat to avoid clutter during showings

Caius: we add a spoiler chat so people can talk about the currently shown anime

Lloyd: I think we should lock it down for the rest of the week since it Isn’t really necessary

Lots of permissions based testing ensures and admin abuse… this wouldn’t have taken so long under Porky’s reign

In the end the spoiler channel is established and everything is Gucci.

End of meeting