07/04/2020 Exec Meeting Minutes


Posted on 07/04/2020 by Read Chimoguri

Start of meeting

Chi: Last Saturday failed on Kast, but worked much better after moving to discord nitro

Proposes that we move to Discord Nitro for future term 3 showings

(all agree)

Chi: Next mentions hoodie order

Caius: can store in my room until end of term 3 if it gets divided, at which point we can move it Trev’s room in the meantime.

Chi: reiterate that if ppl have problems that they can let him know or whatever

Alex: just a reminder to make sure ppl’s exec choices don’t clash with exams

Chi: we have proposed timetable in exec channel, please look at pinned image

Tomas: I think an all-nighter is practically impossible

Alex: I agree, think we would struggle and peter out

Trev: also there would be no one to wake me up if I fall asleep

Chi: what about a quiz?

Tomas: I think we can gauge this based off of interest, as if its only a few of us it would be a little lonely

Chi: now lets look at exec choice timetable

What we could do for term 3 we can add a short description to the anime in the announcement

Written by the exec themselves

Idea is simply to try and draw a little more attention to what is being shown in case it catches ppl interests

Alex: I just want it to be written by the exec in question, as I have not seen many shows.

Chi: basically, just trying to sell showing as much as is possible. I would also like the exec’s name next to their choice.

(Trev missed the pin so now 5 minutes are spent spinning our wheels, Chi calls him out for playing 100% OJ)

Lloyd: there are exams all through the term so we cannot avoid clashes except on week 10

(A wild Karl appears, but technology uses malfunction and it’s super effective, so he’s not talking…)

Trev: I don’t really like the idea of movies in the middle of exams…

Chi: we have had a very high first year attendance, and it is worth noting that they don’t have exams.

Alex: Can we have a backup for Trev in case of exams, as I do understand the problem for him as AV

Chi: I want to remind ppl that we can use Tomas (W) as a backup

Alex: we can properly not get nitro for those showings

Tomas: I don’t mind paying for it if that happens, I have it for this month anyway

Alex: you can still try and claim it on the treasury as it is officially being used for our showings.

Chi: Tomas, when will karaoke system on the website actually be done

Tomas: once I am down with coursework (today hopefully) it should be done hopefully before the end of term 3 and certainly before the next event.

Chi: what films do we want to show for term 3

Chi: I went through films on MAL picking everything that seemed interesting – many are a little more risky as choices, on the level of Steamboy.

Tomas: I did not know this would be discussed so soon; I haven’t had as much of a chance to watch things.

Alex: we could always just decide the first 2 now and the rest later.

Tomas: I think we can show pretty much everything with it being discord and the turnout being weird.

Chi: does anyone have any great term 3 films to suggest bearing in mind we should save some things for term 1

Tomas: I have many suggested on the doc, but I haven’t seen all of mine yet

Tomas: Royal space force could be pretty good

Tom: but definitely term 3 over term 1

Chi: Tekkon Kinkreet seems fun

Tom: I like the storyboarder.

Tomas: wicked city could be pretty good

Chi: probably not… I mean as A/L said, we could always pick them a little later.

Caius: I think its better if we give ppl a bit more time

(Karl finally speaks, a victory against technology, then we try get him up to speed on what he missed)

Chi: make sure you have up to 3 exec choices ready for term 3 thanks to the new format changes.

Karl: sorry my connection here is really bad.

Chi: returning to the hoodie, this is no guarantee, as obviously the situation right now is difficult.

Does anyone else have any more suggestions or things to raise.

Tom: can I do a short complication for my choice?

Chi: to clarify, up to 3eps for your choice, or 1hr30 of ‘other’ general things, or fewer episodes of longer things, i.e. 1hr first eps or longer eps series.

(general agreement)

Chi: we will have a short 15 min break in between choices.

Chi: this means short compilations can be fine

Chi: does anyone else have anything to raise

Tomas: can we run another meeting in 2 weeks

Lloyd/Alex: EXAMS!

Chi: also to note anything that is on MAL is 100% okay to show…


Chi: I mean that’s a base FIRST criterion, but we still need to apply common sense

Trev: ishuzoku reviewers then :P

Tomas: that’s gotta be saved for term 2


Tomas: so what about stuff not on MAL?

Chi: we can take this on a case basis.

Karl: just give me the minutes to help me catch up

Chi: it’ll be up on the site by the end of the day

Also I got an email back from the SU and they basically said we aren’t getting storage.

They also said that they are gonna send a message on to some other people.

Callum also fortunately said that we can leave the library in his house (soon to me C’s next year) over the empty period in the summer.

Lloyd: I am just a little worried that this might not stay a permanent decision, as they have had some problems in the past

Chi: but still for the time being it should be safe to leave it over the summer

Lloyd: my only fear is that it wouldn’t be covered over the summer, as the SU might not cover it for insurance.

Historically Alfie (Porky) look at insurance, but no one else is really aware of the specifics, so we need to get a hold of him

Also I am delicately emailing the SU as we speak for attempting to get nitro reimbursed.

Chi: also not we will need a pretty big meeting for work over the summer as well as talking over whether we want to change stuff up.

Lloyd: It would make sense to update it since we are also not doing the VN socials anymore anyway

Although we aren’t using it as a main advertisement anymore.

Karl: I can easily bring it when we pick up the lib anyway.

Chi: I want it at every event anyway.

Caius: it’s also still in my room for the time being,

Chi: when you move out you can just leave it with T as his house is permanent.

Trev: that’s fine.

Alex: we should also maybe be considerate to try and future proof it a bit more

Chi: we should avoid talking about specific auxiliary events, only keep main events, i.e. Tuesday showings/movie nights…

Chi: Want to add one more (not that serious) thing, a 1 off “anything BUT anime night” for fun, which would include anything that is NOT anime but is similar or related to.

Tom/Tomas: This should not allow for shows like RWBY…

Caius: My worry is that if you do an event like this it would end up being memed too hard

Chi: I was thinking more like Live action adaptations etc…

Tomas: as long as we work on the name to make it more clear that this isn’t everything goes.

Trev: just to throw my hat in, I am not actually that fond of this idea, plus it might be quite hard to actually get in decent quality.

Karl: my phone battery is dying by the way

Chi: I think its over then

(everything dissolves)