Exec conduct and formally addressing issues relating to Tuesday (11/02/20)
The proposal of the ‘’old anime night’’
- Saturday Week 8, 18:00-22:00, MS.05? (trial run)
- Pre-2000’s with an appropriate black list
- Members free to bring in their own stuff
- Exec will have a pre-selected list of stuff in case not enough shows get suggested
- Similar to all-nighter when choosing stuff
- Ensure there is a variety of genres
- I suggest the announcement of this should take place in the week 7 newsletter, along with updating the timetable. Then, it will again be mentioned during the week 8 main showing
Asking Exec to be more open in suggesting anime for the main series sheet in the future
If an exec can’t make an event, they should inform someone
Pancake day – preparation
“not quite nitro” bot
Issues about the wallpaper have been discussed
Additional things:
I will try to get the updated descriptions of the society done by the end of next week (week 7)
Discuss shirt/hoodie order either week 9 or 10
From this:
I want a formal name for the “old anime night” finalised by Sunday Week 7, have either the Toms to fully formalise the format, and have Alex book a room for it asap