Warwick Anime & Manga Society – Week 6, Term 2 Announcement


Posted on 13/02/2022 by Read Chimoguri

Greetings, everyone! With a new set of execs comes a new set of main series choices, and a whole host of other announcements. Here’s a quick TL;DR of what’s in store for you this week:

Without further ado, let’s get right into it!

Main Series
After intense deliberation at our first exec meeting, we have decided on four candidates for the 1 cour series to be shown for the remainder of the term. These will be voted on by you at our Tuesday showing in MS.02. Here are the options:

We’ll be watching whatever series is picked in its entirety for the rest of the term, so make sure you attend Tuesday’s showing to get your votes in!

Zorbas Meal Social (Wednesday 16/02)
If you are signed up to this week’s meal social at Zorba’s, the meeting times are at 5:20 on the Piazza or 6:30 at Zorbas itself.
The social booking is also fixed, so we cannot accept anyone coming along last minute - sorry!

Manga/LN Social (Saturday 19/02)
For our first social as the new execs, we’ll be hosting a Manga/LN Social this Saturday! This will be the second Manga/LN social this term, so we hope to see you there, in MS.05 from 6pm-10pm.

MCM London Comic Con with Anisoc (27/05 - 29/05)
If you plan on joining members of the society in attending MCM London Comic Con, a form is out to register for joining the group. Make sure you buy tickets first ASAP - these sell out super quickly (especially Saturday tickets), and can be booked here: https://www.mcmcomiccon.com/london/en-us/tickets.html

https://animesoc.co.uk/events/event/77/ is the link to the form for the MCM trip. Please only sign up on this form if you have already bought tickets!

A Greeting From the New Exec
On a final note for this week, elections for execs have concluded and our new exec team consists of:
President: Tomas @Danalite#3039
Secretary: Ana @holyDuck#8662
Treasurer: Koh @Koh#6942
Events Coordinator: Conran @Cheung_C#3456
Webmaster: Damian @circuitover#2585
AV: Alex D @AlexD8282#0469
Head Librarian: Seb @SebDLaw#3743
Librarian: Alex M @mabey#9619

We hope to do you all proud, and we’ll be formally introducing ourselves on Tuesday - feel free to find us and have a chat, whether you want to talk about the society or just anime. Make sure to also follow the society Instagram and Facebook pages, where we’ll be posting a variety of announcements and media. These can all be found here: https://linktr.ee/warwickanisoc

That’s all from us for now! Thanks for reading, and hope to see you at our showings and events across the week.